Fibion Blog • Sitting is "IN" (Part 3) - You Can Sit Anywhere and Everywhere • Arto Pesola

Sitting is “IN” (Part 3) – You Can Sit Anywhere and Everywhere is “IN” (Part 3) – You Can Sit Anywhere and Everywhere

Sitting is “IN” (Part 3) – You Can Sit Anywhere and Everywhere

There is little need for muscle activity these days, but there is just as little opportunity for muscle activity. The sitting position is a dominant, wanted, and suggested position to complete just about anything. Can you even think of standing while in a meeting or waiting your turn at the bank? Sitting is so popular because it is easy, there are opportunities to sit all over the place, and often sitting is required to complete a number of our daily tasks. That is, sitting seems required to complete a number of our daily tasks.

Sitting is fun and relaxing. When you sit, you do not need to make any effort or catch your breath. Why would you prefer any other position? Why on earth would you want to move if you can get pizza delivered to your front door? Why would you get out of your car if you can get fast food delivered more quickly straight through your car window? Every moment,anew service or product steals more physical activity from our daily lives. Why not just steal in general? Isn’t ease is one of the most irresistible marketing strategies?

“Hard work is our pride, laziness our passion!”

“The crazy ones work hard, the smart ones have it easier!”

Arto Pesola
Arto Pesola

Everyday Activity Scientist


Fibion Inc.

PhD in Exercise Physiology, Author of the 'Revolution of Natural Exercise' book

Some years ago, I was asked about my future plans. Without much of thinking I replied: “I want to make the world a better place where people don’t need to sit so much”. This spontaneous answer was the leading light to finish my PhD degree and forward to new business opportunities in health technology aiming at making life healthier - with less sitting. For my blog posts, I have used material from my book "Luomuliikunnan vallankumous" (engl. The revolution of everyday activity) (Fitra 2014).