Advantages and Disadvantages of Different Physical Activity Measurement Technologies

Measurement Technology

Why Fibion detects sitting and physical activities, while wrist- and waist-worn devices fail?
We get asked often how Fibion can detect different activity types just with a device you wear in your pocket. We tell that it is based on a neural networks analysis that takes into consideration magnitude, frequency band and patterns of acceleration in three-dimensional space. Well, that doesn’t help too much if you don’t have mathematics and physics as a hobby, so here is a blog post that explains why Fibion detects different physical activities much more accurately than other physical activity sensors.
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Professor Sulin Cheng lecturing in Shanghai Jiao Tong University.
Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Fibion Inc. Start Collaboration

Fibion Inc. is proud to announce a new R&D collaboration with Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU). SJTU is one of the top three universities in China and it has established a new top research center this year, called Exercise, Health and Technology Center (EHT) ( The Head of the new research center Professor Sulin Cheng is excited about the collaboration...

Read More Tikkanen Public Defence - Over 65% of the time muscles are inactive
Over 65% of the time muscles are inactive

Olli Tikkanen defends his doctoral dissertation Date: October 1, 2014, at 12:00 PM Location: Seminaarinmäki, L 303, University of Jyväskylä, Finland Mr Olli Tikkanen, M.Sc., defends his doctoral dissertation in Science of Coaching and Fitness titled "Physiological loading during normal daily life and exercise assessed with electromyography ". The opponent is Professor Hans Savelberg (Maastricht University, The Netherlands) and the custos is Professor Taija Juutinen...

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The scary #truth about sitting is not a #fairytale, it is #scientific fact: Our changing society has made #sitting #deadly.