Corporate Wellness Programs Against Sitting and Inactivity Related Health Problems

Corporate Wellness

Our work days as caged monkeys: effects of work on energy expenditure

Work has traditionally been a significant part of our lives and our personal identity. Professions have been passed on from fathers to sons for generations, while physical labor and handcrafts have been highly valued. At the same time, physical labor has played a significant role in our daily energy expenditure. Think about how men used to work long hours in...

Read More Work Days as Caged Monkeys (Part 2) – Changing times
Our Work Days as Caged Monkeys (Part 2) – Changing times

In the 1960s almost half of jobs required moderate physical activity. Nowadays, only 20% of jobs require at least moderate physical activity. It is no surprise that four out of five Finns does their work sitting in front of a screen. These days, making the grade at work is about being smart and less about having endurance, strength and skills. Here...

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