Fibion Blog • The First Steps to the Everyday Exercise Revolution (Part 4) • Arto Pesola

The First Steps to the Everyday Exercise Revolution (Part 4) First Steps to the Everyday Exercise Revolution (Part 4)

The First Steps to the Everyday Exercise Revolution (Part 4)

The current fitness ideals strive for perfection. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but the truth is that most of us travel on a scale somewhere between perfection and lousiness unable to keep up with extreme demands. In the event that striving for perfection makes you depressed, I want you to embrace your normality/averageness. I want you to do this because that is, at the end of the day, what we all are. When you do small things often, you are sure to make greater improvements than if you leave big things undone.

The beauty of everyday exercise is that the ideal IS our everyday life.

Everyday exercise does not force us to be perfect, rather it approves of each step that you are prepared to take for yourself. The everyday exercise revolution lowers the bar for exercise to an achievable level regardless of your age, size, abilities, or attitude. Everyday exercise achieves perfection from averageness.

Arto Pesola
Arto Pesola

Everyday Activity Scientist


Fibion Inc.

PhD in Exercise Physiology, Author of the 'Revolution of Natural Exercise' book

Some years ago, I was asked about my future plans. Without much of thinking I replied: “I want to make the world a better place where people don’t need to sit so much”. This spontaneous answer was the leading light to finish my PhD degree and forward to new business opportunities in health technology aiming at making life healthier - with less sitting. For my blog posts, I have used material from my book "Luomuliikunnan vallankumous" (engl. The revolution of everyday activity) (Fitra 2014).