Work has traditionally been a significant part of our lives and our personal identity. Professions have been passed on from fathers to sons for generations, while physical labor and handcrafts have been highly valued. At the same time, physical labor has played a significant role in our daily energy expenditure. Think about how men used to work long hours in...
Sitting is not only an "action". Historically sitting has been associated with power. In many languages, the verb "to sit" is even used as part of references to positions of power. The "sitting president", "chairman", or "chairman of the meeting" describe positions and power rather than the actual act of sitting. These examples also describe how the act and tradition...
The popularity of sitting is not entirely due to how easy it is. The internet, television, and videogames are all available in front of you as soon as you take a seat. Sitting is the gateway to the new digital age - the digital age that has consumed us all. All the knowledge in the world these days can be...
There is little need for muscle activity these days, but there is just as little opportunity for muscle activity. The sitting position is a dominant, wanted, and suggested position to complete just about anything. Can you even think of standing while in a meeting or waiting your turn at the bank? Sitting is so popular because it is easy, there...
Have you ever thought about how things used to be? Only a few decades ago people walked or biked to work and school. Our grandparents did their work with their hands and their feet, not with their "sitting muscles". Children played outside and climbed trees rather than spending their evenings in front of the television or the computer. Coffee was...
Think for a moment about your typical day. You awake in the morning and sit at the kitchen table for breakfast. Perhaps after that you walk a few meters to your car and drive to work - where you sit. Lunchtime is great because you can take a break from the stress of work and you can get away from...
In September I moved from Washington State in the USA where I lived for 26 years, to Jyväskylä in order to study. In America I drive a lot, as many do. I drove approximately 250 km a week - the drive to school was 25km, the gym 4km and the grocery store 2km. My hobbies included running and mountain biking,...
While the decrease in daily energy expenditure in our working environments can explain, in part, the obesity epidemic, the other parts of our daily life are not without blame. At work we sit and move primarily just our fingers, so maybe it is a good idea to increase our daily energy expenditure via our daily commute. Unfortunately, during the last 35...
In the 1960s almost half of jobs required moderate physical activity. Nowadays, only 20% of jobs require at least moderate physical activity. It is no surprise that four out of five Finns does their work sitting in front of a screen. These days, making the grade at work is about being smart and less about having endurance, strength and skills. Here...
Take a seat, please! This polite invitation offers a chance to take a load off your feet, rest for a moment and settle in. That politeness might shock you, especially when you read what I plan on writing here next. This statement might seem weird or disgusting and for a moment you might even think I am spewing some sort...
We sit everywhere. We sit at home, at school, while studying, on business trips, at work. Sitting is a significant part our daily lives. Rest, on occasion, is good for you and is a well-deserved way to reward yourself for a job well done.Sitting as much as we do on a daily basis, however, has surpassed our bodies’ level of tolerance....
PhD in Sedentary Behaviour and Everyday Activity