Fibion Blog • Aaro’s #Journey - From the USA to #Everyday #Exercise • Arto Pesola

Aaro’s #Journey – From the USA to #Everyday #Exercise’s Journey – From the USA to Everyday Exercise

Aaro’s #Journey – From the USA to #Everyday #Exercise

In September I moved from Washington State in the USA where I lived for 26 years, to Jyväskylä in order to study. In America I drive a lot, as many do. I drove approximately 250 km a week – the drive to school was 25km, the gym 4km and the grocery store 2km. My hobbies included running and mountain biking, but in order to go biking, I had to drive 15-30 minutes.

Last fall I decided to buy a good road bike so that I could bike more. I found a great red Specialized bicycle that I brought home with great excitement. After brining it home though, I figured out that it was not so easy to use. In order to get to a good road for biking, I first had to drive 5km. As you might understand, my excitement wore off quickly. I sold my road bike before coming to Finland and biked less than 100km on it.

My life in Finland has been quite different. When I came to Finland, I decided to try out life without a car – an un-American thought! Now I bike an average of 30km a week to complete only daily tasks. In addition, I walk to the store, to the train station, to the gym, and just for the sake of feeling fresh wind on my face. I easily walk 10km a week.

Living without a car, for me, is a totally new experience. Before I had to work out in order to stay in shape – now my daily activity is enough. I also go to the gym 2-3 times per week because it has been some time since my previous bicycling hobby. I do not even need to go running anymore because I do enough daily physical exercise. Besides that, I have always hated running.

It has been surprisingly easy to get used to life without a car. With a bicycle and good walking shoes you can get by extremely well in Finland and I feel like my fitness is better than it ever was in America. In addition, I have saved a lot of time since I do not need to work out anymore. Even better, especially for a student, I have saved a few hundred euros per month since I no longer have to pay for gas and car insurance. In America, we call that a ‘win-win situation!’

Aaro 26 years old

Arto Pesola
Arto Pesola

Everyday Activity Scientist


Fibion Inc.

PhD in Exercise Physiology, Author of the 'Revolution of Natural Exercise' book

Some years ago, I was asked about my future plans. Without much of thinking I replied: “I want to make the world a better place where people don’t need to sit so much”. This spontaneous answer was the leading light to finish my PhD degree and forward to new business opportunities in health technology aiming at making life healthier - with less sitting. For my blog posts, I have used material from my book "Luomuliikunnan vallankumous" (engl. The revolution of everyday activity) (Fitra 2014).